Numerology is an ancient system that gives each number a meaning which to interpret dreams with, messages from the Universe or from your Guardian Angel.
Numerology also associates numbers with the letters of a name, summing them up to get one to which a specific archetype is attributed. That’s the synthesis which represents the essence of people or things. With this method we can:
Discover the sides of the personality still hidden
Discover the path of life to be taken
Discover what is the gift offered to us at birth that we are not yet aware of
Discover what to do with that gift according to the desire of the Soul.
The power of Numerical Sequences also belongs to the great world of Numerology. Each Numerical Sequence releases an intense, specific and beneficial vibrational energy that acts on multiple areas of life.
Our consultations and treatments
Our Archetypal Numerology consultations have a duration of 30 minutes, following which the numerology chart will be processed.
Our numerology sequence treatments last 50 minutes. The sequences are personalized and come from channeled angelic messages, often associated with the sacred geometry.