Chinese Medicine

What is Chinese Medicine?

Chinese medicine has a very ancient tradition and bases its knowledge on the holistic principle that considers man part of a whole and he-himself is a microcosm, a mirror of the macrocosm that surrounds him and which he relates with.

For Chinese Medicine, Body and Spirit are an inseparable unity, and every disease, ailment or trauma has its own specific emotional cause that manifests itself by affecting specific organs.

The theory of Chinese Medicine states that vital energy, called Qi, circulates in the human body through two energy flows, called Yin and Yang. That energy is influenced by the five elements ( Water, Fire, Wood, Metal and Earth) through the energy channels, called the meridians, which connect the various organs, named Zang-Fu.

Our Chinese Medicine Treatments

Through Chinese Medicine practices and techniques, we take care of ourselves naturally and consciously.

Several techniques have been handed down from this ultra-thousand-year-old knowledge, the ones we use are:

It is possible to book an Aromatherapy treatment or a Raindrop Technique® Massage, or request information for the Aromatherapy course.

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