Master's Degree for Holistic Practitioner/

Chi è l’Operatore Olistico?

The Holistic Practitioner is a professional figure who uses multiple disciplines with the aim of achieving personal well-being.

Through massage and alternative medicine techniques, the Holistic Operator educates in self-care and leads by the hand toward personal growth.

The Holistic Practitioner is not a therapist, but accompanies the person to mental and physical well-being that grows over time, energy rebalancing, and emotional serenity.

In Holism, the focus is on looking at the cause of an emotional block or illness.

Holism looks at the person, made up of mind, body and spirit and not just a part of it. The Holistic Practitioner works through the hands, as in Massage or with Reiki. Unconventional tools such as Crystals and Essential Oils are used to provides support for well living in the Here and Now with meditation sessions.

What a Master's Degree for Holistic Practitioner is for.

A Master's Degree for Holistic Practitioner provides a set of knowledge and Harmonizations suitable for pursuing the Profession of Holistic Practitioner recognized by Law 4/2013.

Our Master's Degree for Holistic Practitioner

Our Master Course for Holistic Practitioner, taught by professionals and masters in the field, is a two-year professional course of 500 hours, with a final exam.

Master for Holistic Operator has a theoretical and practical program and allows you to start practicing and working with what you have learned right away.

With our Master's Degree for Holistic Practitioner, in addition to becoming a Practitioner, you will enter into a real journey of personal growth and self-awareness, because our goal is to train people professionally prepared and aware of their path. We help to live serenely and evolve. With our Master's Program for Holistic Practitioner, you can also access the final examination of professional associations such as SIAF.

Il nostro programma Master per Operatore Olistico

Our Master's Program for Holistic Practitioner

Approach to the professional world

Holistic Vision

Anatomy and Physiology

The energy system

Tibetan Bell Therapy

Preparation and duties of the Holistic Practitioner


Autogenic training

The complete program and all information for the Master Course for Holistic Practitioner will be sent upon specific request.

A handout and various materials, including audio and video files if provided, will be provided for each individual course.

After finishing all the courses included in the Master's Course, a written Thesis will be required and, after approval, you will enter the theoretical examination with the related discussion of the Final Thesis. This will result in acquiring the specialization title of Master in Holistic Practitioner and certification with the hours completed.

For those who wish to participate in a single course, a Certificate of Attendance will be issued.

It is possible to ask for information on Academic Courses to find out course methods and dates.

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