Fitball Yoga, or Yoga Fitball or Sphere Yoga is a discipline that integrates the Asanas of Yoga with Fitball ball training.
It is a set of exercises and protocols through which you can take care of yourself.
A fitball is an elastic, soft, air-inflated ball with a diameter ranging from 35 to 86 cm. Invented in 1963 by the Italian plastics manufacturer Aquilino Cosani, it was first used in the medical field and then spread to other areas, including fitness. It is known with several names: swiss ball, gym ball, yoga ball, and Klein ball.
Fit balls were initially used in Switzerland by a team of physical therapists in rehabilitation programs. The instability of their surface encourages the body to engage more muscles, making them an excellent tool for strengthening muscle tone.
Fitball (properly used under the guidance of an instructor who teaches the exercises best suited to us with the whole corrects positions) is useful in training muscle flexibility, joint mobility, balance, and of couse to strengthen as well. It is particularly useful in developing the so-called Core (abdominal, pelvic and some back muscles). It’s simply requested to sitting on the ball to immediately activate the deep postural muscles, particularly:
Those of the abdomen
Back and legs, which are essential for keeping us balanced.
The above muscles, stimulated by the workout, will then come into action more easily in all the other situations of our daily life as well, alleviating many disorders, including such forms of back pain.
As already mentioned, however, in Fitball Yoga the two disciplines are united here. So with this practice you won't only take care of your body (improving, for example, flexibility, balance and coordination) but also your emotional and spiritual spheres. Throughout a constant practice you will acquire a growing self-awareness indeed, improving self-esteem and determination.