Coaching is a relationship based on discovering and coaching the person’s potential in order to achieve a goal whether it be work, financial, relational, social, personal ect ect.
Improving performance and achieving goals involve an ongoing process that develops in stages. The establishment of well-structured action plans and motivational support operated by the coach will lead to a change in the approach to situations and life in general, optimism, positive emotions, and self-actualization.
Coaching stimulates the learning of the potential and personal way to achieve goals, self-development and self-actualization. It also makes the person autonomous in replicating the process and personal success.
It aims to stimulate evolutionary growth. While achieving life, work or relationship goals, persons get to know themselves in depth, exploring their nature and developing their potential by gaining more and more confidence in their abilities. It investigates emotional conflicts and learns how to manage them. It is able to overcome post-traumatic stress disorders.
The coach never replaces the client, but accompanies and supports him/her, always spurring to seek and acquire new confidence, responsibility, awareness and autonomy.