Harmony Empowerment

Harmony empowerment is a system developed by Linda Colibert that enables us to regain harmony and balance in our lives where there may be chaos.

To live a peaceful life you must be in harmony in all areas of your life, in which case the three most important universal laws come to our aid: the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, the Law of Unity and the Law of Vibration.

With Harmony Empowerment you will learn to apply the Universal Laws to achieve a state of harmony, to work with Archangel Chamuel and Ascended Master Saint Germain to help change your life for the highest good, to harmonize your Chakras and Aura and the environment in which you live or work.

Harmony Empowerment allows us connection to the higher energies; it is cleansing, calming, soothing, full of love and light.

Harmony Empowerment provides one Master level.

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