Karmic Reiki e
Karmic Relationships Clearing


Karmic Reiki or Karmic Reiki is a system founded by Martyn Pentecost. It is a Reiki style that helps, in accordance with the person's life path, to better cope with karmic trials generated by bad behavior. Basically by the Universal Law of cause/effect every action generates a consequence, the intensity of which increases if that action is repeated over time. Karma can be positive or negative, its effects can manifest as rewarding events if the action was good, or as trials to be overcome and life lessons in the case of evil action or negative thinking, such manifestations can occur during the present life or in future lives, to be sought instead in previous lives if they were carried out in other past incarnations. When obstacles, slowdowns, hindrances arise in our lives to counteract our efforts and efforts, karma is often in action.

In line with this law, this type of Reiki is developed that does not promise to dissolve or remove personal karma but helps to deal with various problems arising from negative karmic events.

In this style there are 5 symbols: two used as cleansers to alleviate the effects of karma, the other three symbols, called karmic auric sisters, are incredibly powerful frequencies that can lead to amazing results by sometimes detecting detailed events from past lives.

Karmic Reiki can be passed on to second-level Usui Method Reiki students, or similar styles, as many concepts involve experience and knowledge.

Karmic Reiki involves two levels:

Firt level
With the first harmonization you will learn the main aspects of Karma, the first symbols, how to perform self-treatments and treatments to other people, techniques for dealing with karmic blocks, Reiji Ho, Byosen and what a Hibiki is.
Second level
With the second level harmonization, one becomes a Master and will be able to delve into the characteristics of Karma, learn karma meditation and harmonization techniques.


Karmic Relationships Clearing is a system channeled by Rev. Tracey Loper With the help of Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Nada, a clarification of karmic relationships is carried out.

This energy will work with the subtle energy bodies to allow the release and healing of karma-induced blockages and barriers. Purification takes place on the physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. This cleansing will remove karmic patterns in karmic relationships so that relationships with others can be transformed.

By removing blockages and destructive patterns there will be an awareness of karmic patterns affecting relationships, such awareness will allow self-healing, in addition emotional wounds of fear, anger, loss and abandonment, prenatal or birth experiences that have had negative influences on health, emotions and karmic relationships are also healed, all of which will also influence an awakening of consciousness and evolution in personal growth.

Karmic Relationships Clearing provides one Master's level.

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