First level
With the first attunement, energy channels are opened to enable the channeling of Reiki energy, specifically the Crown and Heart chakras are opened and invigorated. Techniques will be learned to perform comprehensive in-person and remote treatment.
Second level
With second-level attunement, the Reiki channels are strengthened, the main energy channel is safely and naturally opened and the Kundalini energy is activated, the fire or serpent (as this energy is nicknamed), unwinds and from the Root Chakra reaches the Solar Plexus Chakra. A specific meditation will be learned that will briefly increase the power of the Kundalini, purifying and energizing all energy centers.
Third level
Third level harmonization is that of the Master/Teacher. Kundalini energy rises to a maximum and flows out of the Crown Chakra. You will learn how to activate crystals, plants and other objects so that they can become Reiki conductors, also you will learn the procedures for transmitting the Kundalini Reiki activations of the three levels to others.