Kundalini Reiki e
Kundalini Reiki Millennium 


Kundalini Reiki is a system developed by Danish healer Ole Gabrielsen in the 1990s, when he began spiritual conversations with Ascended Master Kuthumi.

Kundalini Reiki, through activations, stimulates an awakening of the kundalini, which means Sleeping in Sanskrit, in a gentle and safe way.

Kundalini is a sacred source of energy that resides in the sacrum bone located at the base of the spine, the divine energy that belongs, in quiescent form, to every individual, it corresponds to generative and sexual force.

Kundalini is a connection between earth and sky, low and high, inside and outside, that is, the human being energetically connecting with all centers of consciousness and energy so that they are able to communicate with each other, forming one Being of light capable of perceiving the One. This is a long process of growth and awareness, the results depending will be determined by constant practice, the level of consciousness of those being harmonized, and by

With activations the energy channels are purified by opening all the chakras and helping the Kundalini to unfurl and take the right direction up the spine, which happens in the second level activation.

With this method, Kundalini and Reiki energies are harmonized and will work in synergy to promote healing and personal development, expanding awareness to higher vibrational levels.

With Kundalini Reiki you get in touch with Universal Energy and with that of Mother Earth, thanks to its ascension from the first to the seventh chakra. With this system, it is possible to treat people, animals and plants, solve karmic problems, improve situations; in addition, the purification of the chakras and energy channels, fostered by Kundalini energy, improves and enhances the ability to channel Reiki.

Kundalini Reiki involves three levels:

First level
With the first attunement, energy channels are opened to enable the channeling of Reiki energy, specifically the Crown and Heart chakras are opened and invigorated. Techniques will be learned to perform comprehensive in-person and remote treatment.
Second level
With second-level attunement, the Reiki channels are strengthened, the main energy channel is safely and naturally opened and the Kundalini energy is activated, the fire or serpent (as this energy is nicknamed), unwinds and from the Root Chakra reaches the Solar Plexus Chakra. A specific meditation will be learned that will briefly increase the power of the Kundalini, purifying and energizing all energy centers.
Third level
Third level harmonization is that of the Master/Teacher. Kundalini energy rises to a maximum and flows out of the Crown Chakra. You will learn how to activate crystals, plants and other objects so that they can become Reiki conductors, also you will learn the procedures for transmitting the Kundalini Reiki activations of the three levels to others.


Kundalini Reiki Millennium is the latest update of the Kundalini Reiki system, which unlike the original system is delivered in one level without prerequisites.

With the update, one further strengthens the Energy and learns a new exercise to enhance Kundalini.

Since many people request it, it is made known that the original system is available, so people can also choose to take the three levels before the Millennium system.

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