Moxibustion or Moxa is a Chinese Medicine therapeutic technique that uses prolonged heat, produced by a cigar or mugwort cones, on specific points of the Meridians. It is in fact a substitute for acupuncture precisely because it works on the Xue points of the Energy Meridians.
Moxibustion strengthens the blood, stimulates the flow of Qi, or Vital Energy, and maintains psycho-physical health.
It is particularly indicated in case of muscle and neck pain, joint limitations, lumbago, sciatica, bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, constipation, digestive and pulmonary problems, diarrhea, asthenia and cold limbs.
Moxibustion is also used successfully during pregnancy, around the thirty-fifth week of gestation, to stimulate the turning of breech babies, bringing them to a cephalic position, thus facilitating childbirth and avoiding caesarean section.
Our Moxibustion treatments
Our Moxibution treatments last from ten minutes to fifty minutes depending on the quantity of points to be treated.
It is possible to ask for information or book a Moxibustion treatment.
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