Professional Course for Educators in the Three Sparks Pedagogy Method©

What is the Three Sparks Pedagogy©?

The Three Sparks Pedagogy© is an educational thinking with a holistic approach. It looks at all aspects of the child's life and development whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.

The Three Sparks Pedagogy© is an approach for young and old that aims to bring attention to the self-listening, to others and to the whole world around us. It is a method that helps in educating children and ourselves to a new way of life that does not contemplate stress, melancholy and competition. On the contrary it gives the joy for a life that contemplates beauty and harmony.

Who is the Three Sparks Pedagogy Method’s Educator©

The Three Spark Pedagogy Method’s Educator © learns the constructs, the methodologies and tools to be applied on the self first and, after becoming aware, child will be led toward a healthy and balanced growth, to the discovery of creativity and the inner world.

The Three Sparks Pedagogy Method’s Educator © can be a parent or a teacher or anyone who has the will and the curiosity to discover the Soul’s place which will be materially realized if we travel toward a real freedom.

Our Professional Path for Educators of the Three Sparks© Pedagogy Method

Our Professional Pathway for Educators of the Three Sparks Pedagogy Method© is a two-year training course for the education of children from 2 to 6 years old, suitable:

• To those who wish to acquire constructs, tools, methodologies and skills to start their own business as a Method Educator;

• To those who are already teachers or educators who prefer alternative and unconventional education;

• To those who want to grow their children through the experience of simplicity and want to mature in the certainty of offering them a healthy and complete growth;

To those who want to discover a new self nourished only by the grace of a full awareness. That’s what can be built by taking the right steps which lead to the choices of the heart and Soul.

The course has a two-year duration. The full program and all information will be sent upon specific request.

Handouts and various materials will be provided.

Upon completion of all the prescribed modules, a written Thesis will be required and, after approval, you’ll access to the oral examination with related discussion of the Final Thesis. You will then acquire the specialization title of Educators of the Three Sparks Pedagogy Method© and certification with the hours completed.

For those who wish to participate in a single course, a Certificate of Attendance will be issued.

It is possible to ask for information on Academic Courses to find out course methods and dates.

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