Sacred Balance

What is Sacred Balance?

Sacred Balance is a path with Luna Nuova method, aimed at men and women, who are aware of the two Energies that coexist in us.

The Sacred Masculine and Feminine are the two poles that make the person complete, in action, in language, in thought.

When you are unconscious you allow yourself to be dominated from one or the other, bringing imbalance. A Sacred Marriage between these two poles allows us to:

- To rediscover the integrity of our own essence
- To remain in the flow confidently
- To give up the need for control.

The Sacred Balance path teaches how to live a more spiritual life, not dual but in the One.

It is an important path of growth, made up of experiences and deep connection with ourselves.

Our Sacred Balance Path

The Sacred Balance Path is an intensive multi-day journey in which men and women are challenged to test themselves to overcome their limitations. Spiritual experiences and practices alternate and futility disappears. Thus it remains the essence through which we become aware of our new inner self and our role in the world.

In a continuous support between the parts of the group, supporting each other, we become aware of that palpable energy and return to a sacred primordial balance that soon becomes evolutionary.

You can ask for information on the route and upcoming dates.

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